Lo importante no es de dónde es lo que comes...

... Sino lo que comes.
Al menos eso comentan en ScienceCentric. Unos investigadores de la Carnegie Mellon University han llegado a la conclusión que para reducir las emisiones de CO2 es mucho más eficiente cambiar la dieta que comprar productos elaborados más cerca. Curioso, muy curioso:
The authors suggest that eating less red meat and/or dairy products may be a more effective way for concerned citizens to lower their food-related climate impacts. They estimate that shifting to an entirely local diet would reduce the equivalent greenhouse gas emissions as driving 1,000 miles, while changing only one day per week's meat and dairy-based calories to chicken, fish, or vegetables would have about the same impact. Shifting entirely from an average American diet to a vegetable-based one would reduce the same emissions as 8,000 miles driven per year.


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